Floating objects in the open ocean: unveiling modifications of the pelagic habitat induced by global change Porteur
Programme : labEx CeMEB
Portée : Internationale
Natural floating objects, like tree debris (logs), constitute an essential component of the marine pelagic habitat. Extreme weather events and changes in tree coverage induced by global change can have strong impacts on their number, and thus on the hundreds of marine species that associate with them. Since the ‘90s, fishermen also contributed to increase significantly the number of floating objects by introducing thousands of man-made Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) to improve their catches. Currently, little is known on the type and number of floating objects found at sea and on the impacts of global change on their distribution. This knowledge is key to evaluate the effects of the introduction of artificial FADs on marine ecosystems. The objective of the project is to fill this gap of knowledge. Combining original, interdisciplinary research actions merging forest ecology, marine and fisheries science, the project will provide novel insights on the impacts of global change (including tropical tuna fisheries) on the marine pelagic habitats and marine species that associate with floating objects.
Publications sur journaux à comité de lecture :
Dupaix A, Capello M, Lett C, Andrello M, Barrier N, Viennois G, Dagorn L., Surface habitat modification through industrial tuna fishery practices, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2021, 78(9), 3075–3088. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsab175
Dupaix A, Lengaigne M, Andrello M, Barrier N, Dagorn L, Gusmai Q, Viennois G, Capello M. Floating objects in the open ocean: Unveiling modifications of the pelagic habitat induced by forest cover change and climate variations. Global Environmental Change, 2024, 88, pp.102917
Rapports de stage :
GUSMAI Quentin, Cartographie de l’évolution de la couverture forestière dans la zone de l’océan Indien à travers Google Earth Engine. Rapport de Stage, Master IGAST 2020 – 2021; Soutenance le 23 septembre 2021; Encadrants : VIENNOIS Gaëlle (AMAP) FRISON Pierre-Louis (UGE).
Jeanne GUIBERT, Testing the indicator-log hypothesis: No correlation between natural floating object density and environmental characteristics. Rapport de Stage, Master Biodiversité Ecologie Biodiversité et EcoSystèmes Tropicaux (BEST), UNIVERSITE de LA REUNION, UFR SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES; Soutenance le 22 juin 2022; Encadrants: Manuela CAPELLO et Amaël DUPAIX (MARBEC).