Agenda AMAP
Fonctionnement, structure, et diversité des forêts tropicales: du terrain aux modèles, et vice versa
Une grande partie de l'incertitude associée à la compréhension et aux projections des cycles biogéochimiques globaux réside dans la réponse des écosystèmes forestiers tropicaux à l’environnement, variable dans le temps et l’espace. Le développement des connaissances des processus en jeu et de nos capacités prédictives nécessite des... [Lire la suite...]
Amphithéâtre Charles Flahault, Institut de Botanique, MontpellierEffects of crown damage on tree mortality and tropical forest carbon cycling
Tree mortality plays an important role in shaping forest structure, community composition and biogeochemical cycles, and yet the causes of tree mortality remain poorly understood, leading to large uncertainty in predictions of future forest dynamics under global change. In this set of talks we describe 1) empirical analysis showing the importance o... [Lire la suite...]
PS 2 salle 201 + visioconférenceBiodiversity patterns and conservation of Caribbean sendemic trees
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
WebinaireLe projet Arch-AI-Story : une base de donnée pour l'aide à l’identification anatomique basé sur l’intelligence artificielle
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
PS 2 salle 201Écologie évolutive de la flore méditerranéenne : une approche multiéchelle de la biodiversité végétale appliquée à la conservation
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
Salle 36.05, Bâtiment 36, Campus Triolet faculté des Sciences de MontpellierDimensions de la diversité dans les mécanismes structurant les communautés et les écosystèmes
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
Amphithéâtre des Plantes, Campus IRDAmazon forest resilience beyond carbon stocks: a trait-based modeling approach
RIUS Bianca
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
PS 1 salle 44Balancing the savanna carbon budget
Caribbean islands represent one of the world's most threatened biodiversity hotspots, with approximately 60% of documented extinctions occurring in these territories. Endemic trees, which are fundamental components of Caribbean ecosystems, face multiple threats including habitat destruction, climate change, and biological invasions. This research p... [Lire la suite...]
PS 2 salle 201