Séminaire AMAP - Questionnements scientifiques

Understanding Landscape Changes: A 25-Year Journey in Landscape Research from Colombia

11/01/2024 de 10h00 à 11h30PS 2 salle 201

This presentation encapsulates a research programme on deforestation patterns and rates, drivers of land use and land cover changes, and multifaceted impacts of fire on forest loss in South America. The talk dissects 30-year regional deforestation trends, highlighting direct and indirect drivers, including agricultural expansion, cattle grazing, infrastructure development, and more. It also delves into the socio-environmental dynamics, presenting local case studies that illustrate the complex interplay between human activities and landscape changes. The presentation further discusses the challenges of fire management in tropical forests, emphasizing traditional practices and the role of indigenous knowledge. A key aspect is public engagement, policy implications, and the need for inclusive, equitable scientific collaborations, especially in the context of the global south. Finally it will address forward-looking perspectives.