Séminaire AMAP - Résultats & Programmes

Les forêts tropicales à l’épreuve des changements environnementaux / Tropical forests under pervasive environmental changes

12/09/2022 de 11h00 à 12h00PS 2 salle 201

Tropical forests have long fascinated evolutionary biologists and ecologists for their outstanding biodiversity. In a context of rapid environmental changes and deforestation, why and how this heritage can be preserved and managed are pressing questions. I will present ongoing research on the eco-evolutionary dynamics shaping tropical forest diversity at several spatial and temporal scales, in India, Ivory Coast, and New Caledonia. The topics addressed will be both theoretical and practical. All the forests investigated show non-equilibrium dynamics, depending on anthropogenic and other environmental drivers. The implications of such non-equilibrium are manifold, and I will discuss how the results can matter for conservation and management. AMAP is a rich and vibrant ecosystem for the study of tropical forests, and I hope the presentation will foster further discussion and collaborations with the colleagues interested by the topic.