Séminaire AMAP - Journée thématique

AMAPHD - Journée des doctorant.e.s

02/11/2021 de 9h00 à 17h00Amphithéâtre Jacques Alliot, Cirad, Montpellier

09h00-09h10 : Ouverture de la journée et discours de l’administration
09h10-09h20 : Ouverture organisatrices AMAPhD 2021
09h30-09h25 : ARIZA SALAMANCA Antonio Jesus
09h25-09h45 : ADJI Beda Innocent - Architecture and structure-function modelling of native savannah agroforestry species in Côte d’Ivoire
09h45-10h05 : BADOURDINE Colette - Mapping tropical forest diversity from hyper- and multi-spectral imaging
10h05-10h25 : BEZANDRY Rickarlos - Architecture et variabilité interspécifique de trois espèces de Baracoffea : Coffea boinensis, Coffea bissetiae et C. ambongensis Davis & Rakotonasolo

10h25-10h45 : Pause gourmande

10h45-10h50 : DELLA SIGNORA Carla - Impact des lianes sur la croissance des arbres dans une forêt du Nord Congo
10h50-11h10 : CLEMENT Jeanne - Predicting tree species vulnerability to climate change in the tropical forest of French Guiana using joint species distribution models
11h10-11h30 : DENEU Benjamin - Interpretability of distribution models of plant species communities learned through deep learning – application to crop weeds in the context of agro- ecology
11h30-11h50 : ESTOPINAN Joachim - A predictive approach to determining the joint conservation status of species
11h50-12h05 : MARCON Eric et PAPUGA Guillaume - L’enseignement pendant le doctorat

12h05-13h30 : Pause déjeuner

13h30-13h50 : HATTERMAN Tom - Functional diversity of exploratory phases in climbing plants: a static, dynamic and modelling approach of searcher shoots to enhance bio-inspired applications in soft robotics
13h50-14h10 : KACAMAK Begum - Ecological strategies of African lianas in stable and disturbed environments: bio-inspiring models for soft robotics
14h10-14h30 : LEMIERE Laetitia - Augmented reality to facilitate agroforestry system design
14h30-14h50 : PLOTON Pierre - Leveraging high resolution spaceborne data to monitor tropical forests phenology
14h50-15h10 : THOMAS Colin - Model checking ecological state transition graphs

15h10-14h30 : Pause rafraichissante

15h30-15h50 : MESBAH Mélilia (Visio de Bejaïa) - Taxonomic ambiguities on Silene section Silene (Caryophyllaceae) : the case of Silene nocturna group
15h50-16h10 : MOFACK Gislain (Visio de Yaoundé) - Utilisation du LiDAR terrestre et du drone pour la quantification de la biomasse aérienne : cas des savanes du Centre Cameroun
16h10-16h30 : KREBBER Daniela (Visio de Kourou)
16h30-16h50 : LAFONT-RAPNOUIL Tristan (Visio de Kourou) - Environmental changes and structure, acquisition, and transmission of plant microbiota

16h50-17h00 : Discours de clôture

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