AMAPinfos 59 (Janvier - Juin)
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Projet européen FIRE-ADAPT « The role of integrated fire management on climate change adaptation for ecosystem services in tropical and subtropical region »
The FIRE ADAPT project is a staff-exchanges project that aims at addressing the full diversity of fire types and their differ- ent contexts by bringing together expertise from across regions from the Mediterranean Basin and Latin America for the purpose of improving our understanding of the role of Integrated Fire Management (IFM) for wildfire prevention and for enhancing natural and cultural ecosystem services. IFM “is a concept for the planning and operational systems aim- ing at minimising the damage from and maximising the benefits of fire. The project main activities are organised around Study Hubs, that is a series of events occurring in single or multiple regions within a country where inter-sectorial and interdisciplinary exchanges occur. Some of the events will be open to external participation to maximise engage- ment of the international, regional and local scientific, practitioner communities and other groups of interest. The pro- ject includes 24 institutions from 10 countries, and is organised in five work packages: carbon dynamics, biodiversi- ty conservation, (inter)cultural services and wellbeing, modelling and forecasting, IFM as a climate adaptation approach