POLTEX : Technical ans Experimental Support


The Experimentations team (5 persons) provide operational support for the experimental, logistical and observational tasks for all research projects at AMAP:

A team that manages :

  • Management of laboratory space and technical facilities (plant anatomy and biomechanics lab, living and fossil collectionas and materials; "hornet" lab: behavioral tests on insects) : user management, planning, supplies, etc.
  • Scientific instrumentation and technical equipment (in Montpellier): ordering and acquisition (technical comparisons and pricing, call for tenders), commissioning, maintenance, verification, metrology, calibration.
  • Experimental protocols implemented in the field or in the lab.
  • Organisation of working space: management of hazardous products/tasks and verification of personal protective equipment, management of samples and management of special waste.

The team provide:

  • The management of operational lab/field sitesThe management of operational lab/field sites
  • The design and construction of specific equipment and devices.
  • The preparation and pre-treatment of anatomical and paleobotanical sections.
  • Behavioural tests of the Asian Hornet
  • The installation of tensiometric probes in mountain areas
  • Wood coring in tropical forests
  • Dendrochronology study of wood samples.
  • LIDAR data acquisition and pre-processing
  • Tree climbing
  • Etc.

The team is available for::

  • The supervision and support of trainees and students for the use of equipment and the conduct of experimental/analytical/observational protocols.
  • The loan of equipment, and support for their use.


- ANATOMY-MICROSCOPY (Technical platform)
Scientific referent: Anne-Laure DECOMBEIX (CNRS)
- BIOMECHANICS (Technical platform)
Scientific referent: Nicholas ROWE (CNRS)
Referents: Julien ENGEL (IRD) - Vanessa HEQUET (IRD)
Drone referent: Stéphane FOURTIER (INRAE)
Terrestrial LiDAR referent : Merlin RAMEL (INRAE)

Scientic topics:
: Responsable d’équipe, en charge des capteurs et instrumentations, réfèrent qualité de l’unité et assistant de prévention
Merlin RAMEL (INRAE): Assistant de terrain spécialisé dans le prélèvement d’échantillons, des racines à la cime des arbres (brevet de grimpeur élagueur). Au laboratoire, spécialisé dans le traitement des nuages de points LiDAR terrestre et la réalisation de lames minces de fossiles.
Sophie NOURISSIER-MOUNTOU (CIRAD): Assistante de terrain. Au laboratoire, spécialisé dans le traitement des nuages de points LiDAR terrestre.
Chantal GENIEZ (IRD): Assistante pour le laboratoire d'anatomie/biomécanique. Expérience des missions de terrain en forêt tropicale. Habilitée au pilotage de drone.
Quentin LE BLAYE (INRAE): Soutien à la réalisation technique et logistique des projets (permis poids-lourds et bateau), magasinier ; habilité Certiphyto. -->