AMAP Agenda
Collaborative management partnerships strongly decreased deforestation in the most at-risk protected areas in Africa since 2000
Collaborative management partnerships (CMPs) between state wildlife authorities and nonprofit conservation organizations to manage protected areas (PAs) have been used increasingly across Sub-Saharan Africa since the 2000s. They aim to attract funding, build capacity, and increase the environmental effectiveness of PAs. Our study documents the rise... [Lire la suite...]
PS 2 salle 201How is diversity maintained in an exceptionally rich community? the roles of temporal variability, spatial heterogeneity and interactions
Coexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [Lire la suite...]
PS 2 salle 201Derniers résultats et perspectives dans les recherches sur les mangroves guyanaises
AUGUSSEAU Paul-Emile BLANCHARD Elodie CATRY Thibault MARSAL QuentinCoexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [read more...]
PS 2 salle 201Biodiversity patterns and conservation of Caribbean sendemic trees
Coexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [read more...]
WebinaireEffects of crown damage on tree mortality and tropical forest carbon cycling
Coexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [read more...]
PS 2 salle 201Fonctionnement, structure, et diversité des forêts tropicales: du terrain aux modèles, et vice versa
Coexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [read more...]
Amphithéâtre Charles Flahault, Institut de Botanique, MontpellierLe projet Arch-AI-Story : une base de donnée pour l'aide à l’identification anatomique basé sur l’intelligence artificielle
Coexistence theory remains largely untested in the field, which is essential to understand diversity maintenance in nature. We have assessed coexistence mechanisms in a species-rich grassland. The storage effect, where species profit from favorable periods and persist when conditions benefit others, is irrelevant, while the relatively ignored mecha... [read more...]
PS 2 salle 201