AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

Models and Methods for Plant Phenotyping (M2P2)

06/04/2018 de 10h30 à 12h30PS 2 salle 201

Plant phenotyping is entering a new era because of the introduction of robotized phenotyping platforms, new generation of sensors and computing technologies. Plant phenotyping at hand is progressively replaced by automatized high-throughput phenotyping. The emerging paradigm of plant phenotyping induces a new set of scientific challenges: (i) Acquisition and massive computation to analyse spatio-temporal data using various sensors; (ii) Management and standardization of these heterogeneous data in order to share, re-use and published them; (iii) Identification and characterization of developmental patterns in plant phenotyping data; (iv) Design of next generations of plant models in order to compute integrated and hidden traits.
The scientific project of the M2P2 team aims at developing a set of methods and software components for plant phenotyping from the tissular to the whole plant scale. The expected outputs of this project are (i) models, algorithms and software components for plant phenotyping data management, analysis and plant simulation, and (ii) key biological and agronomical results on this basis. Software components are developed within the OpenAlea platform, coordinated by the team. An OpenAlea consortium is in course of constitution with CIRAD, INRA and Inria to ensure its sustainable technological and community development.

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