AMAP Agenda


10h30 - 11h30
AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

The response of soil to extreme climatic conditions

AN Ni 

The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [Read more...]

PS 2 salle 201 + visioconference

 Recent past event

11h00 - 12h00
AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

One Health: le cas de la maladie du sommeil en Afrique Sub-Saharienne, et perspectives de collaboration avec l’UMR AMAP

BART Jean-Mathieu 

The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [read more...]

PS 2 salle 201

14h00 - 17h00
Diploma defense - Hdr

From leaf to satellite, dynamics and functioning of tropical vegetation

Nicolas BARBIER 

The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [read more...]

Amphithéâtre de la Délégation Régionale IRD-Occitanie, Montpellier

11h00 - 12h00
AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

Will the plasticity in hydraulic traits minimize the climate vulnerability of Afromontane tree species? Insights from an elevational gradient experiment in Rwanda

ZIEGLER Camille 

The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [read more...]

PS 2 salle 201

14h00 - 15h00
AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

Contribution de la géophysique pour l'étude des écosystèmes forestiers


The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [read more...]

PS 2 salle 201

10h00 - 1h00
AMAP Seminar - Results & Programs

Vulnerability and dynamics of plant biodiversity under drought stress, a multi-scale approach


The interaction between the atmosphere and soil is of great importance in investigating the soil T-H-M behaviour in geotechnical and geo-environmental constructions undergoing climate change. In this talk, the soil evaporation-shrinkage-cracking response to the droughts is presented. A numerical approach is developed by combining the hydro-thermal ... [read more...]

PS 2 salle 201